The Endless Dawn is a historical epic of love and war set in the Indus Valley of the Second Millennium B.C. Against the backdrop of a fierce tussle between two opposing peoples for control of the Land of the Seven Rivers, a romantic triangle unfolds between Munnala, princess of Melukkha, Kindattu, ambassador of Elam and Eiryaman, prince of the Eirya. This is a timeless tale about the plight of individuals caught up in the migrations and encounters of peoples amid the forging of new empires and civilizations, recounted with keen attention to historical and cultural detail and the complexities of human nature. Read now.

O Amanhecer Sem Fim é um épico histórico de amor e guerra ambientado no vale do Indo do segundo milênio a. C. Contra o pano de fundo de uma disputa feroz entre dois povos opostos pelo controle da Terra dos Sete Rios, um triângulo romântico se desenrola entre Munnala, princesa de Melukkha, Kindattu, embaixador de Elam e Eiryaman, príncipe dos eiryas. Este é um conto atemporal sobre a situação dos indivíduos apanhados nas migrações e encontros dos povos em meio à forja de novos impérios e civilizações, contados com grande atenção aos detalhes históricos e culturais e às complexidades da natureza humana. Leia agora.

A prequel to the author’s novel The Endless Dawn, The Turquoise Empire is a historical epic of love and conquest set in Elam, Ancient Iran of the Third Millennium B.C.E. Driven by a strong impulse to avenge the past humiliations of Elam at the hands of the Akkadians and Sumerians and to unify all the highlands and lowlands of his land into an empire, the Elamite ruler Kutik Puzur Insusinak must overcome many obstacles in addition to four envious brothers who have allied themselves with his enemies against him. This is a timeless tale about the drive of a people to shake off a foreign imperial yoke and forge their own destiny, and the human quest for love and well-being told through the voices of men and women who might inhabit any century. Read now.